Eph 2: 12-22, Luke 12:35-38
It is delicate to look forward for a better tomorrow while we do little or nothing about today. No day is going to be better than today. What we make of today is the issue.
Those who wait till when God will come and take them to heaven may be disappointed and regret their life when heaven’s call beckons.
Our life of heaven starts the day when God, out of his infinite love and mercy draws us closer to himself. Hence, the moment we positively answers his call; the day we turn aside and begin to tread his path, we cease to be strangers and sojourners, but we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of his household.” Eph 2: 19.
Hence, if heaven is our home, it starts now. We must strive towards walking with the Lord. He is with us. His name is Emmanuel. He is the Word that dwells among us. Working and walking with him make the journey to our final home easier.
“Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes; truly I say to you , he will put on his apron and have them sit at table, and he will come to serve them.” Luke 12:37
We worship a God who is ever ready to serve his children. He makes the home liveable and he creates an enabled environment for all who put their trust in him. He is “I am that I am”. He is the God of now. To be conscious of Him now is to have started the journey to eternity.
When the Lord comes, may he meet us ever prepared. Amen.
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