Bartholomew, also known as Nathanael, was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. When Jesus first met him, He declared, “Here is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit” (John 1:47), highlighting Bartholomew’s integrity and sincerity. Though initially skeptical about Jesus, his encounter with Christ profoundly changed him, and he became a devoted follower. Tradition holds that Bartholomew later spread the Gospel in regions like India and Armenia, where he was martyred for his faith.
I believe that the first impression we make in our first contact with people speaks volumes about who we are. These impressions often stem from what we say, our unconscious behaviours, our actions, and the aura we project.
In today’s Gospel, when Jesus met Bartholomew for the first time, he made a profound and positive observation: “Here is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit” (John 1:47). Bartholomew was astonished by this remark, yet it deeply influenced his relationship with Jesus thereafter. He became one of Jesus’ closest apostles, ultimately sacrificing his life for the faith.
Jesus has a unique way of bringing out the best in people. He knows us completely and doesn’t focus on our weaknesses. Instead, he sees and nurtures the good within us. We can learn from him by helping others to recognize their own worth and guiding them to lead meaningful lives. Like Philip, we too can lead others to Jesus. We may not know the impact he might have on their lives.
The real question today is: what impression do we leave on the people we meet for the first time? Let us pray that our interactions with others always bring out the best in them. Amen.
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