It is human to want to get wages or gains for what someone has done. The gospel reading of today is a continuation from yesterday’s when Jesus told his disciples about the difficulty of a rich man entering into the kingdom of God. Peter today asks a very pressing and emotional question. He said, “how about us that have left everything and follow you?” Last Sunday, St Paul was telling us that our labour in the Lord will not be in vain. Today, Jesus assures his disciples that there is no one who genuinely leaves everything and follows him that would not get the reward here and hereafter.
It is human to worry like Peter especially when we see how the people of this world project their wealth and affluence. It sometimes feels like we are not getting it right. Dear friends in Christ, our Lord does not disappoint. That moment we feel the world is running faster than us is the time we should trust God the more. He is reliable. Our service of God will not go in vain.
Of the truth, many people have left their comfort zones for the sake of the gospel. Many young missionaries leave their beloved ones to go far away to spread the good news. It’s quite a task. Many of us also have to leave one or two things behind for the sake of the gospel. Your reward is sure in heaven.
Since our reward is sure in heaven, we must therefore prioritize our heavenly race over and above anything else. We must be heavenly conscious in all we do so that we may be truly happy in eternity.
May the Lord bless His words in our hearts. Amen
The Lord is with you.
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