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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

#LittleThingsThatChangeLives With Bro Andrew Oghoghorie – A Good Reason To Share Our Ideas With Others


In our present scary world, we feel safer when we keep our ideas to ourselves than when we share them with others for the fact that people can use such ideas to their own advantage. We also have at a point or the other lose hope in our Ideas when faced with the reality that we are totally incapacitated in bringing them to life, and also haunted with the fear of sharing it with others. 

At times when we share our ideas with others,, we fail to realize that sometimes, the second party we share our ideas with might see more possibility in the ideas than us; At this point, only making personal efforts to bring the idea to life becomes the thin line between success and failure.

I was working on tile fixing with someone else,  and a new design originated from the second party which he shared with me and I believed in; in fact, I saw the reality of the design more than the originator from the little we shared about his idea. When it was time to actualize the desired design, work began before I got to the place as my partner abandoned the new idea he shared with me. What happened? I asked, and he said, I did not see any feasibility in the new design”. We brainstormed together and dissected the idea and the dream design as initiated from the originator came out of it, and after we completed the work, it was satisfactory.

Hope was lost on the possibility of an idea, but with it shared, the idea later became a reality. I learned that being patient in exploring ideas especially with trusted friends and confidants can make impossibility become possible at times. Little wonder the popular adage that says, “two good heads are better than one” mind you, not just any two heads, but good ones.

How much light do we give to those who have shared good ideas with us? Or are we the type who turn people down or steal people’s ideas? That’s very bad behavior. 




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