In our days, it is not a thing of speculation anymore, but a fact that so many hearts are broken, families are disunited, friendships are shattered, and even marriages are failing and falling apart. The level of distrust and disappointment in our relationships is on the increase on a daily basis.
This is because many of us never took our time to make a proper evaluation before jumping into relationships, and when such relationships become problematic, we start looking for a way out just like the Pharisees who wanted Jesus’ approval for divorce in our gospel of today.
To forestall some of these disappointments in our various relationships, the book of Ecclesiastes offers us guides towards a healthier and less disappointing relationship.
Thus, the book of ecclesiastes, as seen in the first reading of today, highlights the various kinds of friends, the fair weather friends, and those that would stand with you in times of trouble. It equally talks about the need to subject every intended relationship to serious trial as it would go a long way to safeguarding relationships in the long run and lessen disappointments.
Consequently, we must note that being a believer does not suggest foolishness. You must wise up less you cause yourself heartbreaks and disappointment in your relationships, and so, we must remember the need to be “as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves” (Matthew 10:16)
We pray the Holy Spirit inspires us in all our decisions in order to be free of regrets
Peace be with you 🙏🏾🙌🏾
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