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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

An Authentic Prayer Life

Homily of Tuesday of the First week of Lent.
11th March, 2025
By Fr Emmanuel Aghidi CSSp
Texts: Isaiah 55:10-11, Matt 6:7-13


Dear friends in Christ, as we journey in this season of lent, we are called to reflect on one of the three pillars of this season which is prayer. The season of Lent is a period we are called to intensify our relationship with God through prayers. There is no better person to teach us how to pray other than Jesus himself who reveals God to us. In the gospel reading of today, Jesus advises his disciples on how to pray. They are not to pray like the hypocrites who babble in the name of praying.

What is babbling?

Babbling is the making of various sounds, such as cooing, vowel sounds, and consonant-vowel combinations. It is often found in babies who are just learning how to talk. It often involves repeating syllable patterns, like “ba-ba-ba” or “ma-ma-ma”.

Jesus in the gospel reading of today is telling us not to imitate what we hear people say or keep repeating words and sounds like babies. We are not babies. We are children of God and God is our Father. We know Him and as such we can address him as our Father. Hence, the Lord’s prayer.

“The Lord’s prayer” is such an interesting and powerful prayer that we mostly overlook. It is a prayer that reassures us of our relationship with God as our Father whom we halow and adore alone. It is a prayer of adoration, petition, contrition and deliverance. It is such a powerful prayer. It is a prayer in itself and can also be seen as a pattern of prayer.

Nevertheless, do we believe in God our Father? Do we believe he cares for us? Do we believe He can and will deliver us when we call unto Him? If we do, then we will not babble. Babbling is a faithless way of praying. It is beyond repetitive prayers. Repetitive prayers can help us to meditate deeply on what we are praying about. Babbling is a childish way of communicating and it is hypocritical.

The first reading assures us that God is faithful. Just as the rain doesn’t return to him until it fulfills the reason he was sent, so also his word would not return to him until it accomplishes the reason for which it is sent. Our God is faithful.

May the Lord help us to pray as we ought and observe our Lenten Season properly to enable us have the graces that follow.
The Lord is with you.

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