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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

AN ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS, BY Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp



Saint Bartholomew, Apostle – Feast

Saint Bartholomew, an apostle of Jesus, is often identified with Nathanael. Little is known about his life, but tradition suggests he preached in India, Armenia, and Anatolia. He is symbolically represented holding a knife, as he was believed to have been martyred by flaying.

Apocalypse 21:9-14, John 1:45-51


There are times when we need others to help us recognize all our beautiful dreams and expectations. Some have theirs all round them but cannot recognize them. Discernment is not what we can do alone all the time.

Nathaniel was a true Israelite who was eagerly waiting and contemplating the coming of the Messiah, but when the Messiah came, he began to doubt because he never expected him to come from Nazareth. In ancient Jewish tradition, it was common for individuals to contemplate the law while sitting under a fig tree. Nathanael was engaged in this practice when he received his call from Jesus. Upon confirming His identity, Nathanael’s conviction was immediate. Philip, known for his act of bridge-building, played a crucial role by inviting Nathanael with the words, “come and see.”

Jesus knows us and he knows our inner longing. We simply need to encounter him.

There are many people out there with a lot of expectations; certain individuals who pursue intense introspective quests to find purpose in their lives. These individuals may not hold the belief that Jesus is the solution they seek in their search for meaning. We can lead them to Christ. We can show them what to see. We can, by words and examples that Jesus is real and true.

Taking inspiration from Nathaniel, let’s reach out as a channel and implore the Lord for a deeper revelation of Himself. Through prayer and by embracing the grace of Philip, let’s strive to become vessels through which others can encounter Christ. Come Lord Jesus.

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