Isaiah’s prophecy of Immanuel reminds us: working with God requires patience. His promises will be fulfilled. Are you ready to trust and wait?...
Faith turns impossibilities into realities. Trust God’s perfect timing, shun doubt, & grow in faith to receive His blessings. With God, all things...
Jesus's authority surpasses all others. While questioned by earthly leaders, his divine power remains boundless, undeniable, and universal. Recognise his authority today.
Gaudete Sunday calls us to rejoice as Christmas nears. The rose candle reminds us of the joy, hope, and peace found in Christ's...
Suffering shapes our lives, challenging us to endure with purpose. Inspired by faith and noble examples, we persevere, trusting that our sacrifices bear...
True greatness lies in humility and service. Jesus reminds us to be servants to others, following John the Baptist's example of giving glory...
Hope renews our strength! Cast your burdens to Jesus, and He will give you rest, strength, and wings to soar like eagles. Trust...
God's love is unconditional and patient. Like a shepherd caring for his flock, He seeks the lost. Let us imitate His love and...
On the Immaculate Conception, we reflect on Mary's sinlessness and our call to holiness, cooperating with God in faith and preparation for His...
Homily of the 2nd Sunday of AdventBy Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSpBaruch 5:1-9, Philippians 1:4-6,8-11, Luke 3:1-6THEME: Preparation for the Lord’s coming. The...