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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Believe in my Dad

Homily of the Saturday: 3rd week in ordinary time.
By Fr. Williams Onyilo CSSP
Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19, Mark 4:35-41.


Children most times believe that since their dads are big their dads can do all things for them. They also believe that since their dads loved them so much their dads will always look out for them and not allow any mishap come their way. This is most times true especially if those children are obedient and close to their dads.

As children of God our relationship is not far from the above, only that God is more gracious and loving to us than our earthly dads. In the first reading Abraham and Sarah believed in God and He did not disappoint them. In the Gospel the disciples believed in Jesus and He saved them from the storm. However, Jesus wanted the disciples to believe in themselves since He is always behind them to support and direct them. Jesus wants us today to believe in ourselves too and in our dreams as His children because He, the Creator of our dreams, is always behind us to help us.

I was in primary three when I told my dad that I wanted to become a priest. My dad did not know where I got the idea from since I was not close to any minister of God then. Myself, too I did not really know why I said I wanted to become a priest at that young age because I did not know what and what it entails.

However, the good news is, today I am a priest and I am happy being a priest. I wanted it, I went for it and our gracious Lord helped me achieve it.
What is your own dream today? Just believe in God, Obey Him and He will surprise you

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