In every society or organisation, there is always a leader and those who follow. Most leaders are more mature, powerful, dependable, and possess greater foresight, working for the collective good of their people. When followers adhere to the leader’s instructions, they thrive and experience happiness and fulfillment. However, when they choose to disobey, chaos, punishment, and even disaster may follow, for as the saying goes, “United we stand, but divided we fall.” Obedience to rightful leadership fosters peace and progress, while disobedience often leads to chaos and suffering.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus commanded the crowd to sit, he instructed his disciples to distribute the bread and fish, and because they obeyed, the outcome was satisfaction and joy, the feeding the crowd. In contrast, in the first reading, God gave Adam and Eve a clear command, yet they disobeyed, and it led to punishment and disaster.
Similarly, in Genesis 41:33-57, Joseph, the governor of Egypt, foresaw a great famine. To prevent disaster, he instructed officials to store food in preparation for the years of scarcity. Because they obeyed, Egypt and surrounding nations were sustained through the famine.
Today, we witness chaos and disaster in many families, organisations, and countries. I pray for leaders with vision and genuine concern for their people, and for followers who will heed wise counsel. May we walk in unity, to foster peace, prosperity, and joy. May God, our Creator, grant us the wisdom to achieve this. Amen.
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