NOTHING IS DIFFICULT Nothing is difficult. It is man who makes things difficult. When you know your onions, you are undaunted by negative...
THE GAME STARTS NOW. When you refuse to start, thinking that it takes years to make the finish, you will remain where you...
A well-kept toilet is a beauty to a home. It takes all the rubbish and absorbed all the mess. It keeps the house...
NOT A SIMPLE WISH Its not easy to wish others well. The heart of man is naturally devious. In the bid to survive,...
Your yesterday is a topic. Tomorrow should not be your fear. Your today is the matter of concern. When you look back and...
THE BEAUTY OF BLINDNESS. Abundant life doesn’t necessarily consist in good health. Blindness is not an obstacle to seeing. Real seeing is an...
When your voice is too loud, you will not be able to hear yourself. If you take too much to living an outward...
In a culture where men do not cry, the women will suffer. In a society where women are expert in crying, the softhearted...
BUILD NO DOCTRINE OUT OF YOUR LIFE Allow yourself to be circumcised for God. Remove the foreskins of your heart. Don’t build a...
ALL BEAUTIFUL BUT ONE. Flute and harp offer sweet melody, but better than either, pure tongue. Relatives and helpers for times of stress...