[Kindly share this letter as soon as you are done with it. Someone in your neighbourhood may need it] 27th of June, 2020....
HOMILY, 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2Kings 4:8-11.14-16a, Rom 6:3-4.8-11, Matthew 10: 37-42. It is a privilege to have the knowledge of where...
The most spiritual thing to do at certain times in your daily routine is to sleep. This is not just spiritual but also...
HOMILY, SATURDAY, 12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A Lam 2:2.10-14.18-19, Matthew 8:7-17 In our today’s gospel, we learn from the centurion the...
Some have little knowledge which brings them muchprofit gain. Some possess great knowledge with no profit to show. It is not about what...
HOMILY, FRIDAY 12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A 2 Kings 25:1-12, Matthew 8:1-4 In today’s’ gospel, Jesus was approached by a leper...
HOMILY, THURSDAY, 12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A 2Kings 24:8-17, Matthew 7:21-29. Our journey becomes successful when we start from the beginning....
The Spirit of Boldness (2 Timothy 1:6-7) I’ve heard some say: I’ve the Holy Spirit, but not conscious of his presence. Others say:...
HOMILY, SOLEMNITY OF THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Isaiah 49:1-6, Acts 13:22-26, Luke 1:57-66.80 Today we celebrate the birth of John the...
HOMILY, TUESDAY, 12TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A 2Kings 19:9b-11.14-21.31-35a.36, Matthew 7:6.12-14 “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not...