HOMILY, TUESDAY 11TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 1Kings 21:17-29, Matthew 5:43-48 It is a fact that nobody is ready to inherit the consequences...
Your body is a conglomerate of cells. The cells unite to form tissues, tissues unite to form an organ and organs unite to...
A PRAYER FOR PRESIDENT MUHAMMAD BUHARI AND OUR COUNTRY NIGERIA( With Rev Fr Femi Victor Orilua, CSSp) In the name of the Father,...
HOMILY, MONDAY, 11TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 1Kings 21:1-16, Matthew 5:38-42 The spirit of Jezebel is a stranger in our home. It is...
Even if the end of the world is coming tomorrow, go ahead and plant your seed. Even if you hear that Jesus...
SOLEMNITY OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Deut 8:2-3, 1 Cor 10:16-17, John 6: 51-58 If we are not...
HOMILY, SATURDAY, 10TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME MEMORIAL, ST ANTHONY OF PADUA [Anthony of Padua, [1195-1231], came from Portugal. he was a Franciscan,...
Don’t sacrifice your peace because of people who do not know your relevance. You should know that you are not the Messiah. Even...
HOMILY, FRIDAY, 10TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 1Kgs 19: 99.11-16, Matthew 5: 27-32 The God who sent down fire at the word of...
HOMILY, THURSDAY, 10TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME [MEMORIAL OF ST BARNABAS] Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-1, Gospel Matthew 10: 7-13 [Barnabas, the apostle, was a...