HOMILY, FRIDAY OF THE 9TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME MEMORIAL: ST BONIFACE [673-754 AD] [St Boniface was Benedictine monk, born in England. He...
HOMILY, THURSDAY, 9TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 2Timothy 2:8:15, Gospel Mark 12:28b-34 Without perfect love, no one can truly suffer for the sake...
Though we can make God bigger, he cannot be bigger than he is. Our knowledge of him determines how we rate him. The...
HOMILY, WEDNESDAY, WEEK 9, IN ORDINARY TIME [SS CHARLES LWANGA &COMP, MEMORIAL] 2Tim 1:1-3.6-12, Gospel, Mk 12:18-27 The Holy Spirit does not produce...
HOMILY, TUESDAY, FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 2 Peter 3:12-15a.17-18. Mark 12:13-17 If our respect is only for religious authority and we have...
In the school of life, stress is not an elective but a compulsory course in the curriculum from the first moment till graduation...
Every good thought, every thought of kindness you have for others will surely drop a note in your account. You move a step...
HOMILY, MONDAY, FIRST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME MEMORIAL OF ST JUSTIN THE MARTYR [Justin the martyr was born in the 2nd century in...
HOMILY, SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST Acts 2:1-11, Psalm 104:1ab.24ac.29bc-30.31.34(R.30), 1Cor 12:3b-7.12-13, Gospel 20:19-23 Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost. Pentecost means “the fiftieth”. It...
The language, ” I will never ” is oftentimes a deceptive way of covering up the bad things we can do. It...