Worldly attention-seeking is futile with God. Abandon old ways; follow God's will. Abram, Peter, Saul left all. Sacrifice brings true respect and God's...
True fasting transcends food. God desires action: freeing the oppressed, feeding the hungry, and aiding the naked. A humbled heart, not mere abstinence,...
Denial of pleasure and suffering are keys to growth. Jesus predicted his suffering and death. Embrace your fate, deny yourself, and gain eternal...
Lent is a time for repentance, self-control, and denial. Ash reminds us of mortality. Fast, pray, and give alms sincerely, not for praise....
Seeking reward for service is human. Jesus assures followers of their heavenly reward. Leaving all for the gospel brings gain. Trust God; your...
Surrender to God; earthly things pass. True power is in letting go. Like the rich man, don't cling. God sees all; surrender brings...
Pro-life groups uphold human life's sacredness, from conception to death. Others value only adult, male, or young lives. Christians believe all life is...
Broken hearts and failing relationships plague our times. Disappointment grows. Ecclesiastes advises careful evaluation before commitment to avoid future heartbreak.
Scandal's danger is severe, leading the weak astray, worse than death itself, causing eternal harm. Jesus warns of the grave consequences of scandal.
Jesus teaches that tolerance means accepting others when they do not oppose Him, mistreat His followers, or act against His Church. True tolerance...