Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity
Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Weekdays homilies

Weekdays homilies

St Peter a True Leader of Faith and Love

St. Peter was a true leader, guiding with love and unity. May we follow his example and make the world a place of...

Weekdays homilies

Living By The Truth

Jesus calls us to stand for truth, no matter the cost. In a world filled with lies, will you bear witness to Him...

Weekdays homilies

Knowing Jesus With True Faith

Who is Jesus to you? More than a teacher, He is the way to salvation. Believe in Him, embrace His gift of redemption,...

Weekdays homilies

Patience in God’s Timing—Be Patient!

God’s work unfolds gradually. Like Noah and the blind man, we must trust His timing. Patience allows us to embrace His process. Peace...

Weekdays homilies

Do Not Be Pharisaical In Faith

Forgetting God’s deeds leads to doubt and fear. Strengthen your faith, trust in His power, and never make Him regret creating you. Believe,...

Weekdays homilies

Benefits of Obedience

Obedience brings peace and fulfillment, while disobedience leads to chaos. May we follow wise counsel and walk in unity for a better world....

Weekdays homilies

He Bears Our Burdens with Love and Without Complaints

Jesus never grows weary of love. He bears our burdens and calls us to do the same. Let’s share love like Him and...

Weekdays homilies

Faith Beyond Reasoning

Faith grows in trials. Like the Syrophoenician woman, trust in God’s perfect timing and never give up. Even the smallest crumbs of grace...

Weekdays homilies

What Comes from the Heart

Jesus teaches that sin begins in the heart. Our hearts shape our thoughts, actions, and spirituality. May God renew and purify our hearts...

Weekdays homilies

Our Dignity as God’s Good Image

We are God's image, created in His goodness. Stay with Jesus, the true measure of good, and reflect His love to keep His...