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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




1Kings 18:20-39, Gospel, 5:17-19

The strength of an altar is not in how many people patronize it. Rather it depends on whose power resides in it. It is not all crowded churches or ministries that are built on the power of the true God.

It is a point of contact, a monument of operation, by which we connect to a superior power. An altar can also be a system which we create by our life styles or beliefs. Such system can expose us either to a positive or negative energy.   An altar, the one who makes sacrifices on it (a priest), and the sacrifice cannot be separated. Surely, every altar will always demand sacrifice.

As royal priests, all baptised Christians in one way or the other are expected to make sacrifice. Whenever the priest offers the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist on the altar of God; he opens a channel of God’s communication. He invokes God’s presence. He weds both heaven and earth together and unites both God and man. On this altar, the priest re-enacts in an unbloody manner the passion of our Jesus Christ, who demonstrated the love of God by his death on the cross. The question is, how many people actually believe that great things happen on the holy altar anytime we celebrate the Holy Eucharist?

However, each of the worshiper is expected to click to this special channel of God’s presence by his or her life. Our Christian living, our offering, tithes and the works of charity that we do are our ways of sharing in the life that flows from the altar of God.

In the world today, many altars have been erected where many people go to seek one favour or the other. People go to the extent of even sacrificing humans to their evil altar. We must know that there is no other altar which can be greater than the altar of the Supreme God, who has deigned to pitch his dwelling among his people.

We belong to God, and we must know that there is no evil altar that has a claim over us. It is our duty to separate ourselves from every deed of darkness and connect ourselves to the kingdom of light. The blood of Jesus has the capacity to nullify whatever legal right any evil altar may have against us.

Interestingly, in today’s first reading, we see how the 450 prophets of Baal spent almost half of a day, and could not invoke the presence of their god on their altar. But on the contrary, it didn’t take Elijah much time to invoke the power of God upon the altar which he erected.  It is not about the beauty of the altar or how many people who fear the suppose deity that inhabits it. It is all about our faith in the God of gods who has no rival.

Therefore, beloved, let us put our trust in God who alone can save.  Let us make ourselves worthy of his worship. Let us disconnect ourselves from any evil altar that we had patronized. Let us reject the fear that cripples us and makes us subservient to worthless gods. Our Lord is God indeed. Amen


O God my Mighty Help. I have no other God but you. I will never leave you to serve any other gods. You have all that I need because you are the maker of all things. I accept and cherish the love that you have showered upon me by the suffering and death of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ. I separate myself from any ancestral altar which seeks my adherence. I release fire upon any demonic altar erected against me and my household. I plead the blood of Jesus upon my life and family. Lord, keep me always in your presence. Thy kingdom come. Amen.

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