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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




2 Kings 25:1-12, Matthew 8:1-4

In today’s’ gospel, Jesus was approached by a leper who showed confidence in his power to heal. In Jewish tradition, a leper is unclean and whoever comes near him is unclean. A leper is as good as dead. On the part of Jesus, he risked the religious implication of touching the leper and the possible infection which may be the resultant effect. Having healed him, he ordered the man not to tell anybody but to go and show himself to the priest.

Falling sick in this time of pandemic is like committing a sin. We are in a time when everybody is apprehensive about Covid 19. These days, people avoid whoever they see with the symptoms of fever, cough, and catarrh. We are told to cover our nose with mask, to avoid handshake and refrain from hug. Our fellow human beings are now regarded as “index cases” or “contacts” The sick ones are afraid of going to the hospital lest they are listed into Covid 19 index case.  Hospital staffs are scared of their patients and there is panic everywhere. We are prohibited to gather even in the church for worship. When we gather, we skip our usual kiss of peace, and no longer receive communion on the tongue. All these are done for fear of infection.

The question is, if Jesus is here today, what is he going to do? Will he visit the isolation centres? He actually visited the leper’s isolation centre. That was why the man could approach him, because the lepers were not allowed to live among the people. They were simply regarded as cases and no longer as people.

However, we must understand that Jesus did not heal all the lepers in Jerusalem but those ones who have faith in his healing power.  The man said, “Lord, if you will, you can make me well.”  He actually had confidence in Jesus. Today, many of the people diagnosed of this infection are more infected by the fear that surrounds it. Even those who do not have it but have the traces of the symptoms are in panic.

The doctors would always say that Covid 19 is not a death sentence. The patients need healthy mind and good immune system to fight the deadly virus. Our faith in the healing mechanism of teh body can go a long to bring us into perfect health. T he healing touch of Jesus is an essential balm. Jesus is ready to touch those who have faith in is healing power. Though we have seen rich people who died of the infection, there have been poor ones who recovered miraculously.

Importantly, our attitude towards the sick matters this time of pandemic. They need the touch of Jesus. They need our care. They want us around. Many a times we have avoided people who are suffering from simple malaria simply because of the fear of Corona virus. We have allowed people to die of diseases which would have been treated if we had not entertained the dreadful thought of Covid 19. This is the time to know those who are on the side of Jesus.


Lord Jesus! Help that I may have faith in your healing power. Touch my heart to believe in your touch. Make a channel of healing and comfort to those who are sick around me. Thy kingdom come.


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