Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




Acts 16: 22-34, Psalm 138: 1ac-2a.2bcd-3.7c-8, John 16;5-11

The strength of a believer is known in times of trial and tribulations. Our power of resilience comes from the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. He is promised counsellor. He gives us joy despite whatever we are passing through; for with joy we shall draw water from the wells of salvation.[Isaiah 12:3]

Paul and Silas were the products of the Holy Spirit supply. Despite the fact that they were thrown into the prison, they didn’t lose their poise. They did not neglect their praise moment and the angel of the Lord came to their rescue. Many a time, we grumble and complain because of our difficulties, forgetting that the secret to solving our problem is knowing that God is ever present.

Our first reading today is a testimony of man’s forbearance and God’s constant supply. It calls us to believe more in God, who is ever present. God will never neglect his children. He will never desert his servants. He will never abandon those who call upon his name.

God’s project in us and through us should be our first priority. Unless we possess his joy, we cannot bring people to him. In this case of Paul and Silas, God’s target may simply be the jailer and his household. If the Apostles’ attitudes have been that of lamentation or anger, the situation wouldn’t have turned around the way it was. Though God can still use other means to reach out to the jailer’s family, it is a thing of joy when we make ourselves worthy of his work in others. There are many things God can do through our attitudes towards others. All we need is to maintain our centre of gravity. Let us always keep our hope alive. As we live out the faith, let us make the gospel message attractive in words and deeds.

Peace be with you.

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