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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Defining True Religious Principles

By Rev Emmanuel Aghidi CSSP

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3a. 14-17, Matthew 23:23-26

In religion, there is always a tendency to engage in some forms of presumed religious acts and piety while forgetting what is more essential. People often get themselves involved in the extensive rituals of religion while forgetting what the God of that religion actually demands of them. This Jesus is hypocritical.

Dear friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus does not take it lightly with the Pharisees. He cursed them for their actions. He said “woe to you Pharisees and scribes, you hypocrites.” Our Lord Jesus Christ takes a new dimensional approach today with these Pharisees. The reason is simple; they left the wey foundation of their faith which are justice, mercy and faith and are running after tithing. They are very much concerned with what they’ll get from the people rather than the practice of justice and mercy. People were suffocating under them but they would not mind. Hence, they became blind guides.

Beloved in Christ, what do we see in our today’s Christianity? Has anything changed? Are we not pharisaic and as such hypocrites? When people lose their loved ones, we are often concerned with their payments of dues and fines more than extending the warm arms of God to them. We inflict them with more pain with our irrational claims. We do not extend the hands of mercy even when God wants to use us. Let us ask ourselves if anything has changed between the Pharisees and us today. Jesus wants to set people free but we want to keep them in bondage, this was the reason for Jesus’ anger today. How can we be working against Jesus.

People often want to be religious more than spiritual. Religious can simply be keeping the norms of a religion in deep commitment while being spiritual is simply being like God who is Love, mercy and justice. That is why in the first reading Paul had to warn against the religiosity waiting for the coming of Jesus. He tells them, keep on working.
Dear friends, let us keep on working. Let us keep showing love and mercy. Let us be the hands of God in liberating people in bondage. Let us not use our religious practices to keep people in bondage.

The Lord be with you.

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