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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Do Not Be Pharisaical In Faith

Homily of Tuesday in the 6th week of the ordinary Time,
Year C. Tuesday February 18, 2025
By Fr Emmanuel Aghidi CSSP
Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10, Mark 8:14-21.


Dear friends, our Lord Jesus is at the behavior of the discipline in today’s reading as they complained about not having enough bread. He asked them; “When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They answered “seven.” It is quite an act of unbelief and lack of faith & understanding to have experienced this with Jesus and yet complained about not having enough bread.

As Christians, we often forget the deeds of the Lord and start entertaining fears, doubts and disbelief. These elements hamper our relationship with God and it becomes problematic. God is not pleased with this kind of attitude. In the first reading, He regretted creating the human person because the intention and aim was defeated. Humans lost their relationship with God because they failed to understand what he set out to them. God wants humans to relate with Him as their Father. But what do we see in the first reading of today? We see people who revolted against this God.

Each time we refuse to believe in the capability of God, we are revolting against him and we are Pharisaical. We pretend to believe but within us is a vacuum of faithlessness. Dear friends, the Lord has done a lot for us. Never forget these great deeds. Let us not make God sad for creating us. We are His children. We shall make him proud.

We must never forget that God knows those who are his. He knows those who genuinely seek him. When his wrath was about coming on the earth, Noah and his household was saved because he found favour with the Lord. You too can find favor with God. Believe, follow and do not doubt.

The Lord be with you.

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