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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Effective Witnessing


Homily of the Friday of the 31st week on the memorial of St Leo the Great, on the Theme: Effective Witnessing” by Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp. Romans 15:14-21, Luke 16:1-8

Saint Leo the Great, a Pope and Doctor of the Church, lived in the 5th century. Known for his theological writings and leadership during challenging times, he strongly defended the divinity and humanity of Christ. Leo’s influence extended beyond Rome, and his writings, particularly his “Tome,” played a crucial role in shaping the church’s doctrine, earning him the title “Great” and recognition as one of the early Church’s key figures.

*The Spiritans mission*

The Mission of the Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers aligns perfectly with the special call of St Paul. “Our mission is the evangelization of the “poor” (Lk 4:18). Therefore we, Spiritans, go especially to peoples, groups and individuals who have not yet heard the message of the Gospel or who have scarcely heard it; to those whose needs are the greatest, and to the oppressed; We willingly accept tasks for which the Church has difficulty in finding workers.”

In the first reading, St Paul said, “I have always, however, made it an unbroken rule never to preach where Christ’s name has already been heard. The reason for that was that I had no wish to build on other men’s foundations; on the contrary, my chief concern has been to fulfil the text: Those who have never been told about him will see him, and those who have never heard about him will understand.”

*Recipes for effective Witnessing.*

We find ourselves in a generation’s different teachings about Jesus, fly around on daily basis. It takes adequate listening to the voice of the Spirit to represent Christ well. It takes wisdom and effective witness to lead the people back to God. In our stewardship, we mustn’t yoke ourselves with the world as the shrewd servant did in the gospel narratives. When he realized that the master was not in good terms with him, he colluded with him his master’s debtors to forge their debt list to win their friendship. It is better to align with God than seeking security in the changing world.

We must take our anchor from Christ, who has the power to lead us in effective witnessing. Paul reiterates, “I think I have some reason to be proud of what I, in union with Christ Jesus, have been able to do for God. What I am presuming to speak of, of course, is only what Christ himself has done to win the allegiance of the pagans, using what I have said and done by the power of signs and wonders, by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Paul used is words, his works, powered by the Holy Spirit, to evangelize. We too can make friend with the Holy Spirit so that he engineers our lives as to bear effective witness to the gospel of Christ.

May St Leo the great, intercede for us, that we may defend our faith to the letter. Amen.

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