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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

EVIDENCE TOO EVIDENT, By Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp



Acts 4:13-21, Mark 16:9-15


God is a respecter of nobody. He makes himself available to whoever desires and fears him. God’s anointing is not based on acquiring college degrees, but it’s given to those who surrender their hearts to him in simplicity.

The rulers, elders and scribes were astonished at the assurance shown by Peter and John, considering they were uneducated laymen; and they recognised them as associates of Jesus; but when they saw the man who had been cured standing by their side, they could find no answer.”

Peter and John were confidently preaching the gospel regardless of the warning from the Sanhedrin.

These men hinged their courage on their encounter with Jesus. They were motivated by the power at work in them. They had an assurance that they were not alone.

Our God is not a concept that is buried in a sacred book. He is alive, still working miracles among those who thirst and hunger for him.

May we long for God’s touch in our lives. Let us desire the power of his resurrection. Let us kneel before him and ask for his grace to function in a world that is given to worldly things. So he would make us visible signs of his presence in words and actions. Amen.

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