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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




(Wisdom 12:13,16-19, Romans 8:26-27, Matthew 13:24-43).


The difference between one who is patient and one who is not patient is in their judgements. The patient person is ruled by wisdom and at such resulting in him or her making right judgements. On the other hand, the one who is not patient is governed by emotions, thus, pushing him or her to make rash and unwise judgements that could lead to a dangerous end.

However, the first reading from the book of wisdom describes God as a God who cares for everything both living and none living. He is a God who is righteous, lenient and judges justly. The reason for this was because God is sovereign over all things and as such He is patient with everyone of us, whether good or bad, righteous or not. God also grant repentance to sinners and teaches everyone to do the same to his or her brothers and sisters (Wisdom 12:13,16-19).

Saint Paul in the second reading tells us that, “the Spirit helps us to pray in our weakness even when we do not have words to express how we feel” (Romans 8:26-27). Very often, many people would think that by using many words that their prayers could be answered thereby neglecting the inner voice that comes from within the spirit’s plea. God who sees our hearts and all that is done in secret knows what we want even before we even confess them. Therefore, we should pray from the depth of our hearts even when we do not have the words to express what we need. Praying is an exercise of the heart and not of words, though words conveys what we have in our heart. In other words, our silence could be more meditative.

The gospel of today is another collections of parables by Jesus and this time, He want to teach us how patient and loving God is and will always be to us. First, Jesus says that, the kingdom of heaven is like a seed the sower planted in his field and when everyone was asleep his enemy came and sowed darnel among the wheat.

In time of harvest it was discovered that both the wheat and the weed grew together to make it difficult to harvest. Instead of the sower to give the permission to uproot the weed together with the wheat when the servant asked to do so, He says, “let them grow together, because when you weed out the darnel you might pull up the wheat with it. Let them both grow till the harvest; and at harvest time I shall say to the reapers: First collect the darnel and tie it in bundles to be burnt, then gather the wheat into my barn” (Matthew 13:24-43).

The wheat represents the righteous ones who were like seeds sowed and nurtured by God’s word. The darnels are the unrighteous ones who were like weeds sowed by the enemy (Satan ) through his antics and deceit and placed among the righteous ones to corrupt them. The patient sower is God who is patient with everyone without judging our weaknesses. He gives us more opportunities to repent and grow in grace. The most interesting thing is that, God understands the devil’s tricks of deceit and destruction of what He had made. God instead of being angry and vengeful, remained just, loving and patient with everyone.

This is the nature of the God we serve. Thus, let us not take His kindness for granted else we will be harvested on the last day like the gospel tells us and been thrown into hell if we are not repentant. God continues to give us enough time to come to our senses and make amends before it becomes too late.

Dear friends, what effort are you making to move towards the right direction? Have you misused your opportunities for repentance? Make hay while the sun shines. You still have some time left in the sacrament of confession. Explore the grace of God’s patience and win for yourself eternal life.

Again, the responsorial Psalms says, O Lord, you are good and forgiving. we are called to be like God in being patient with ourselves and not to judge others in their mistakes. Let us be a people who could be patient and forgiven towards their fellow human beings. Search your hearts today, had there been anyone you are finding it more difficult to forgive? Forgive him or her now and be free from unforgiveness and your life will be transformed forever. Peace be with you.

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