Pro-Life group upholds an unwavering respect for human life. They firmly believe that life is sacred and precious from conception to natural death, and therefore, it must be defended at every stage of development.
However, some groups hold a different perspective. Certain individuals believe that only the lives of adults matter and deserve respect. This notion was evident among the Jews, who, as seen in the Gospel, often excluded children from significant gatherings. Others argue that only male lives are of importance, a belief deeply rooted in many African cultures. Still, some disregard the elderly, choosing to separate them from their families and placing them in old people’s homes once they reach old age.
Amidst these differing views, we as Christians believe that all human beings are fearfully and wonderfully made. Ecclesiasticus 17:1-13 reminds us that God created humans in his image, instilled his strength within them, gave them dominion over creatures, endowed them with the ability to think and discern, and made them majestic above all creation. Finally, he established a covenant with humankind—children, youth, adults, and the elderly alike.
In light of this, it is imperative to adopt God’s perspective on human life and treat one another with love, dignity, and respect. In doing so, we can create a world where everyone truly belongs. May God bless us all.
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