To begin this reflection, we must know that even though John the Baptist had spoken the truth to Herod about the illegal relationship with his brother’s wife (Herodias), Herod was never ready to kill John, for he knew him to be a good man sent by God and also feared what the people would say, for John the Baptist was well recognized. However, Herod’s appetite for pleasure and indulgence would later lead him to a grave mistake.
Nevertheless, Herod’s appetite created the opening for an error he regretted because there was no guard to his appetite.
Before we go further, let us narrow the appetite in question to our appetite for wine and food as it was in the case of Herod and his guests.
According to the gospel text of today, “…An opportunity came on Herod’s birthday when he gave a banquet for the nobles of his court, for his army officers, and for the leading figures in Galilee. When the daughter of this same Herodias came in and danced, she delighted Herod and his guests; so the king said to the girl, ‘Ask me anything you like, and I will give it you.’ And he swore her an oath, ‘I will give you anything you ask, even half my kingdom…”
From the scriptural text above, it is clear that the starting point of Herod’s mistake was the banquet he organized. The banquet is not just breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It implies a lavishly organised meal with lots of eating and drinking where people can easily eat and drink themselves to stupor.
This was exactly the state that Herod and his guests found themselves when He told the girl to ask anything, even half of his kingdom.
The only reasonable thought as to why Herod would make such promise to the little girl is that he was drunk, and not just him, the nobles of his court, his army officers, and other leading figures were also drunk, if not, they would have advised him, or maybe he refused the advice of his counsellors because of his state of mind and even went on to make an oath to the girl. He could not even find anything wrong even when the girl left his presence to go and ask her mother what to request. The effect of wine and food has overpowered his mind and could no longer think like a king. It was at this point that the error took place. Then, it was already late to reverse his actions or retrieve his words, leaving him with regrets only.
Herod is an example today because he became a victim by not guarding against his appetite. We must know that happened to him could happen to anyone, maybe in a different way.
Consequently, we must learn control over our appetite in order to avoid regretable errors in the future.
Peace be with you 🙏🏾🙌🏾
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