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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
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How we weigh our responses to the mission of Christ.

By Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp

Homily of the Epiphany of the Lord, Sunday 5th of January, 2025 
Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6, Matthew 2:1-12

The Epiphany of the Lord celebrates the manifestation of Jesus as the Saviour of all nations. On this special day, we commemorate the visit of the Magi, who followed the star to honour the newborn King with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This feast points to God’s revelation to the Gentiles and the universality of Christ’s mission. It calls all believers to seek Jesus, offer him their best, and share his light with the world.

The Lord Jesus was born a Jew, but his mission is to the whole world. After his birth, the angel visited the shepherd to inform them of his birth and his star appeared to the men from the east, who later came to pay him homage. He is the Lord of the both the Jews and the Gentiles. We must likewise learn to see our niche beyond and above our ethnic space. To be truly alive is to feel our indebtedness to the whole of humanity and be inclusive in our outreach. Jesus has shown the way. Being part of Christ’s mission calls us to open our hearts to everyone, regardless of nationality or ethnicity.

Moreover, the significance of the magi’s gifts to Jesus is profound. gold, symbolising Jesus’ kingship and divine authority; frankincense, represents his priestly role and divinity, as it was used in worship; and myrrh, foretells his suffering and death, as it was used for embalming.

The choice of these gifts and their relevance to Christ’s mission invite us to reflect on our own service and commitment to others. When we give to others, we must consider whether our offerings are truly useful, meaningful, and supportive of their growth and life journey. The kind of service we offer in every circumstance speaks about us. It is either it speaks about our situation or about our attitude or mindset.

More so, we must equally be appreciative of the ingenuity in others and be ready to be open to the new things God is doing in our neighbours. The three Magi came to worship the Lord. Herod sought instead to search for him and kill him. He felt that the birth of a new king was a threat to his throne. As long as we discern our purpose and follow it, no one else can be a threat to our space. We must be ready to celebrate others.

May the Lord open our sight that we always cherish all he is doing in the world. Amen.

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