Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




Acts 12:1-11, 2 Timothy 4:6-8.17-18, Matthew 16:13-19

God does not call us because we are worthy of his call. His power is made perfect in our weakness. His grace speaks through our brokenness. He met both Peter and Paul on their knees, at their breaking points.

Today, we celebrate these pillars of the church. Peter, having professed a strong faith in Jesus was commissioned by him [Jesus] to minister to the Jews, while Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles and a great teacher of the faith. Through Paul, the door of the church was opened to the wide world.

Jesus’ choice of Peter came after his fall. Christ made him a leader. Having extended his hands of love to him, he built his church on his faith confession. Paul encountered Jesus on the way to Damascus. The Lord brought him to his knees before he gave him his own commission.

God does not need people who are Sufficient in themselves to work with. He meets us at that point where we recognise that we cannot stand without him. He grants us an encounter, the memory of which will always keep us on our feet. He meets us on our knees to bring us to our feet for his work. We need personal encounter with him in order to walk and work with him. Book knowledge will not do. The stories of other spiritual giants will not suffice.

Worthy of note, the past experiences of Peter and Paul helped them to persevere in the times of persecutions. Personally, they knew who they were following and were ready to face any level of suffering for his sake.

However, as leaders of the church, we need other believers for support. As Christians, who belong to a fold, we need one another to keep going. While in the prison, the community of believers were praying for him, and an angel of the Lord stepped into the arena to rescue him. As church members, it is our duty to pray for one another and most importantly for our church leaders. Our leaders should not only be relevant when we need them. We have roles to play in their lives. We need them on their feet so as to lead us in the right path.

Let us pray for this encounter which will strengthen our bones for greater works for God.


O Lord of mercy, grant me a place I your presence. Bring me closer to yourself that I may work with and for you. Your love is sweet. Your love is excellent. Pour your oil on my wounds. Strengthen me in my weakness. Make me worthy of your call. Thy kingdom come.

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