Amos 9:11-15, Matthew 9: 14-17.
The disciples of John questioned Jesus about the attitude of his disciple towards fasting.
“Why do we and the Pharisee fast, but your disciples do not fast?”
This follows that we must not take the attitude of the people around for granted. Our life is not just about us.
More so, we must not rush our followers or those who look up to us to look in our direction. We must give them time to understand what we stand for. Then, at the proper time, after their hearts have been nurtured by our own mode of doing things, they will easily pick all the necessary spiritual recipes at their disposal.
The disciples must first understand Jesus’ way. They must know why he came and understand hi mission. When he is taking away from them, that is, after his death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit will come to enlighten their hearts to fit in more perfectly into the new life he has brought. We do not force religious observances on those who do not know the spiritual significance.
“The day will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them……new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.”
O Lord, prepare us for your day. Give us a renew heart that can comprehend the operations of your kingdom. Give me the capacity to understand your ways. Teach me by your Spirit to know why I do what I do. Thy kingdom come.
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