1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13, Luke 7:31-35
The first reading yesterday and some parts of today speak of the Church as “God’s Family.” In this family, we have God as our Father, Mary as our Mother, and Jesus as our brother and Lord. In every family, we know that the place of the Children is very important because they have something to offer as well as something to receive from the family.
In today’s gospel, Jesus, being a keen observer of the attitudes of Children, describes his ministry and that of John by one of the attitudes of children. A group of children played music as in a wedding celebration, but the other group would not dance; the first group played the dirge at funerals, but they did not cry. What, then, do they want?
This attitude helps Jesus to interpret how the people took his ministry and that of John. Jesus was termed a glutton, a friend of tax collectors and sinners; the people were indifferent to his joyful ministry. John, on the other hand, was termed possessed.
Paul talks about the love that does not judge, the love that knows no wrong. The people at the time of Jesus were not guided by love. Also, each and every one of us sometimes tends to write people off so that we can maintain a distance. We judge and hate people for no reason; there’s nothing such a person will do that will be good for us. Today, Paul tells us that love is the essence, not anyhow love but the one called the fruit of the spirit. Such love knows no boundaries, it is patient and kind.
Dear friends, we are encouraged to let love lead in everything that we do. Let us shun tribalism, hatred, and racism. Let us do away with stereotypes and embrace Love in our day-to-day living.
May God bless his words in our hearts through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Peace be with you!
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