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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




THEME: LET YOUR HEART PRODUCE RICH FRUITS (Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 8:18-23, Matthew 13:1-23).

Food production is by far the basic form of livelihood in any human society because it provides the most important element for survival which is food. This consists of the knowledge of planting healthy seeds in a healthy soil together with other factors that will aid in food processing. Food brings life to the body and not to the soul. However, the word of God is food for the soul and needs to grow in our hearts given the proper dispositions needed.

In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah re echoes the word of God which says, “as the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth, making it yield and giving growth to provide seed for the sower and bread for the eating, so the word that goes from my mouth does not return to me empty, without carrying out my will and succeeding in what it was sent to do (Isaiah 55:10-11). The word of God always have a purpose and this purpose is to teach all humanity the way to the truth. The will of God is that all humanity should be happy together with Him in His bosom. To be happy with God only requires us to be obedient to His will always. Therefore, listening and acting to what we have heard would put us on the right pedestal.

St Paul in the second reading speaks of the glory of the kingdom of heaven as something that cannot be compared with the suffering of this world. The kingdom of God is eternal and our hearts should be prepared always through the word of God so that we can enjoy God’s presence always (Romans 8:18-23).

Furthermore, it is important to note that, parables carries a lot of hidden realities, thus, Jesus in the gospel uses the parable of the sower to explain to the people on the importance of the word of God. The Jewish people are very much familiar with terms associated with agriculture because they live in an agrarian society. Jesus with this parable gave them a better clue for understanding. He spoke about a sower who scatters seeds at different surfaces. First on a field but bird’s came and ate them. Again, Second sets of seeds fell on a rocky ground without soil and they wither away. Next sets of seeds fell on thorns and were choked. Lastly, some fell on rich soil and then produced rich fruits (Matthew 13:1-23)

Just as every farmer expects to have huge produce after planting and so is God through His word. The word of God is spirit and life. It enlightens the hearts of every human being. It shows us the right steps to take if we want to be happy. It corrects errors and act as a light to us because very often we are blinded by pleasures or pains and our hearts are sometimes darkened by sin.

Dear friends, What kind of heart do you possess? Is it one that is like a plain field where birds of distractions could feed on the seeds? Is it like a rocky ground, filled with bitterness and wickedness, where the dryness of pride, envy and jealousy could destroy? Or is it like a soil that is fertile where God’s word of love, peace and righteousness could make a home?

Make your heart fertile to accept God’s word today. God calls us today to listen to His word with an open heart so that the word of God can bear fruits in our hearts. Do not let the troubles of this world to take away the growth of the word of God from you. Do not allow shallowness of heart and temporal distractions to remove from you the joy the word of God brings. Jesus is the word of God dwelling among us, let him fill you with His light so that you can be like Him in every aspect of our lives. Peace be with you.








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