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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
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Living for Others.


Homily of Saturday of the 31st week in ordinary time, on the memorial of St martins of Tours on the theme, “Living for Others.” by Rev Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua CSSp.

*The Selfless Servant.*
Today we celebrate the memorial of St Martins of Tours. He was a 4th-century Bishop, known for his acts of compassion and charity. Renowned for sharing his cloak with a beggar, a symbol of his selflessness, he dedicated his life to serving the poor and spreading Christianity. His commitment to peace and reconciliation made him a revered figure, shaping the Church’s emphasis on kindness and generosity for centuries to come.

In today’s gospel, the Lord teaches us to use our resources to buy the best of relationship, the type that can benefits our souls and the souls of others. If we give much attention to the things of God as we do to the things of the world, our intimacy with God will be second to none. Instead of using our resources as a judicious blackmail, toeing the path of buying favour through giveaways, we should use them to bring others closer to God. We are meant to live for others.

*We live on serving others.*

The Lord said to his disciples, “I tell you this: use money, tainted as it is, to win you friends, and thus make sure that when it fails you, they will welcome you into the tents of eternity.” The best way to live for eternity is to use our resources to serve humanity. By this we keep living in the collective memory of the society. Selfishness can only make us die in anonymity. If we choose not to live beyond ourselves, we will leave the earth without a trace. Our life makes more meaning only when it is lived for others. The Lord said, “And if you cannot be trusted with what is not yours, who will give you what is your very own?”. We become useful to ourselves when we have learned to be useful for others.

St Martins is an epitome of compassion and charity. He lived his life serving others. Let us emulate his dedication and kindness towards the needy.

May our lives be perfect examples of selflessness. Amen.

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