LORD OF THE SABATH, Fada Oluwafemi Victor Orilua, CSSp



R1:- 1 Corinthians 4:6b-15
PS:- 145:17-18.19-20.21(R.18a)
Accl:- John 14:6
Gosp:- Luke 6:1-5

One of the ways to be free is to know why we do what we do.

A traditional person or the person who live on the letter of the law cannot live beyond the boundary he has set for himself or herself.

Any rule that does not serve human needs is dead.

Man is at the peak of God’s creation. God the Father sent his Son to die for us and not for himself.

Hence, any religion that does not put the welfare of man as her priority is worse than useless.

*Any servant of God who rates church laws above the cares of his flock is simply a hired ecclesia machine.*

In our today’s gospel, the pharisees couldn’t see the reason why the hungry disciples of Jesus should pluck heads of grain on the Sabbath. The law allows the act. It only became an issue because it was done on a Sabbath day.

The fact remains that over a period of time, those who are too rigid about rules will become too difficult to live with. When they are done keeping all the laid down rules and there is nothing left to be kept, they will begin to find fault where there is no fault. They easily forget that rules are made for man, that man is not made for rules.

May God help us to serve the purpose of making life easy for others. May all we do be done for the betterment of our community.


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