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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Patience in God’s Timing—Be Patient!

Homily of Wednesday in the 6th Week of the Ordinary Time, Year C.
By: Rev Fr Felix Olátúnjí Yayi, CSSP
Texts: Gen 8:6-13,20-22; Mark 8: 22-26


In the first reading of today, we see Noah’s longing to come out of the ark, so he sent the dove to confirm if the waters of the flood had dried up. He did this for a number of times before getting his answer, demonstrating great patience in waiting for God’s timing. In the Gospel text we see the longing of the man born blind to receive sight so when Jesus touched him with the spittle at first then vision wasn’t clear until the second touch of Jesus. Noah needed to be patient and so did Jesus.

Dear friends, we see that in both readings, God’s creative work is afoot, but it happens slowly and gradually. Some processes cannot be rushed. At the beginning of his letter to the Philippians Paul prays that God who has begun his good work in the community would bring it to completion. God’s good work in our lives will only be brought to completion in eternity. Here and now we try to co-operate with God’s ongoing creative work within us and among us, and, at times learning to be patient with its seemingly slow progress in ourselves and in others.

For the virtue of Patience, we pray Oh Lord.

Peace be with you.

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