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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




Glorious God, everlasting Father, the source of all blessings, all glory and all honour be unto your holy name.

I humbly come before your throne of grace to obtain mercy for my times of needs.  Look down upon me from your exalted throne. You positioned Simeon, the righteous and devout man at the temple to speak of your divine plan about you Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Likewise, the prophetess Anna, made her pronouncements on him. In every age, you raise men to raise their fellow their men. May every blessing which you have put on the lips of your servants never pass me by.  Silence any tongue that makes any pronouncement against me on any evil altar.

Lord, I pray that I may meet those who you have raised to announce me. Raise men and women who will speak for me at the gate. Silence every voice that speaks against my destiny. Raise voices that will speak for me before men. May I not miss any opportunity you have prepared for me. Give me the right mind that welcomes those who you have sent to bless me. You are giver of all good gifts. Give me the grace to meet those you have destiny to lift me, those who you have prepared to wipe my tears and cover my shame. May I never play down on those who carry the grace that will take me to the next level. Give the grace of timely blessings. Separate me from persons whose presence can take something precious away from me. May all my encounters be moments of divine grace. And may nothing in me fight against my time of visitation through your Son our Lord Jesus Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and for evermore. Amen.

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