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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Seeking the Lost with God’s Love

By Fr. Emmanuel Aghidi CSSP

TEXTS: Isaiah 40:1-11, Matthew 18:12-14

The parable of today’s gospel shows God’s love for humanity. God’s behaviour towards us is like that of a shepherd towards his flock. As shepherd loves his flock, so God loves us. Shepherd loves all his sheep in the same way God loves us without an exception. He cares for all. This is the very reason why he does not want any to be lost. When one is lost, Jesus takes up the task of seeking that lost one. We may not understand the reason why he should go seek that one when he has many others until we become that very one.

This attribute of God is equally expressed in the first reading from prophet Isaiah, “Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs, carrying them in his bossom, and leading the ewes with care”. Jesus is that shepherd, and he loves us without any reservation. His love for us is unparalleled. He loves us individually. His love is a patient love; Is the love that seeks for others is a rejoicing. The same love of Jesus is what we experience at the Incarnation, which we are preparing to celebrate.

As Christians dear friends, we too have that assignment to bring back to the fold all who are lost. We are to imitate God’s love. Let us never conclude on anyone as missing or lost when God has not. May Almighty God, help us not to be tempted to relax in this assignment so that when he comes, he would find all of us worthy of his coming. Amen

The Lord be with you.

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