No proud man can defeat Satan. He can only be a tool in his(Satan) hands, awaiting the same fate.
The exalted position of Satan and the fact he is a pure spirit, engineered in him the pride that brought him low.
To undo him, God humbled himself, stooped low; becoming man, so that through the demonstration of his humility, the devil will be stripped of his initial vested power.
When we are too proud of our Spiritual prowess and forget that we are humans with low moments, we tend to take for granted the place of God’s mercy and misplace the role of his grace in our lives.
Jesus is our righteousness. (1Cor 1:30)
# You cannot defeat by mere words or commands, who God defeated by actions.
# Let’s be Christlike so as to live in the heavenly places, where divine victory is assured.
Dear one,
May pride not bury you in the valley of self-righteousness.
May the life of Christ in you win you complete victory over Satan and his works. Amen.
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