R1:- 2 Samuel 7:1-5.8b-12.14a.16
PS:- 89:2-3.4-5.27 and 29(R. 2a)
Accl:- O Daystar, splendour of the eternal light and son of Justice! Come and enlighten those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
Gospel:- Luke 1:67-79
David, having expressed his desire to build a house for God, opened the channel for the fulfilment of God’s plan in his lineage. And when the time of the manifestation of the plan came, Zechariah was overshadowed with the Holy Spirit, and he uttered how these manifold plans of God were to be fulfilled.
Moreover, the exclamation of Zechariah in today’s gospel is an proclamation of God’s entry into human history.
For Zechariah, John, his son, has come to prepare the way for the Lord. He will bring people to the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. He will bring message of peace. Obviously, being at peace with God is the peak of our ultimate fulfilment.
Therefore, let us be sensitive to every thought which God may lay on our hearts, so that we may be channels of his merciful designs.
May the thoughts of our win us favour before the Lord. Amen.
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