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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

The Conditions Of Tolerance

Homily of Wednesday, 7th week in the ordinary time.
Ref:Ecc. 4:12-22, Mk:9:38-40
By Rev Fr. Felix Olátúnjí Yayi, CSSP


Dear friends, yesterday Jesus taught a lesson on ambition and service. Today, he teaches a lesson on tolerance. There is no doubt that tolerance is often misunderstood, some believe that every person should be received and accepted irrespective of their beliefs and behaviour. Others are convinced that beliefs and behaviour matter, such that if a person’s beliefs and behaviour are damaging to the welfare of others then that person should not be received and accepted.

However, in response to John’s confession in our gospel text, Jesus teaches us the conditions of Tolerance.

The first condition is, be tolerant if a man does not say anything bad about Christ. The person may not have the same belief with you, or thesame behaviour but such people can be accepted.

The second condition is, be tolerant if a man is not against Christ and his disciples (The Church). Jesus says, “whoever is not against us is for us” (Matt 12:30). A person’s attitude towards Christ and his Church is to be observed. You cannot claim to stand for Jesus while you are against your fellow believer. Our brethren in Christ, represent the Church and Christ is the head, and so you cannot separate the head from the body. To mistreat your fellow believer is to mistreat Jesus. To say anything bad about your fellow believer is to speak evil of Jesus.

The third condition is, be tolerant to the person who shows kindness to the followers of Christ. Giving a cup of water in a hot country like Palestine is a common sight. Jesus talks about giving “in his name”. If a person does something for a believer “because he or she belongs to Christ,” then that person shall be rewarded. The whole point is helping, giving to a person “because he or she belongs to Christ.”

Dear Friends, intolerance has wrecked many lives and Churches. It has caused strife and division, hurt and pain, shame and ruins and it has paralyzed both individuals and churches. Jesus wants us to guard against this and we pray for the spirit to accept our brothers and sisters with good hearts. Amen.

Peace be with you!

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