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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

The Intentionality of God in Salvation

By Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Aghidi CSSp

Homily of Tuesday 26th Sunday on the Ordinary Time year B. October 1, 2024
Texts: Isaiah 11: 1-10, Ephesians 2:13-22, Matthew 2: 13-15. 10-23.

Today dear friends, the Church in Nigeria celebrates the solemnity of Mary the Queen and Patroness of Nigeria. Hence, the readings of today draws us to a reminder of God’s intentionality about the redemption of the world. In the first reading, we see how God spoke about the coming of Jesus our Saviour through the prophet Isaiah. What is emphasized here is the type of reign which Jesus will bring. Because he is the Prince of peace, He will not only reconcile humans to God by establishing peace, he will also reconcile the world to itself such that the hostility in the hearts of men will be conquered.

In the second reading, St Paul reminds us that Christ has carried out an eternal sacrifice that reconciled us to God and brought us peace. The flesh is the habitat of the hostility that dwells amongst us. Let us continue to tap from the grace and merit of the sacrifice of Jesus to continue to conquer the flesh and its desires.
In the gospel reading, we see how evil always threatens the good intentions of God for us. Herod sets out to destroy the Child Jesus. But God’s intentionality about us will not be hindered by any means. He activated the ministry of the angels.
Dear friends, God is to be trusted. Let us learn from Mary and Joseph who trusted and obeyed God.

Join us today to pray for Nigeria that through the intercession of Mary the Queen and Patroness of Nigeria light may prevail over darkness.

The Lord be with you.

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