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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
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THE LITLE WAY OF LOVE, By Rev Sr Funmi JosephineMary, DC


THE LITTLE WAY OF LOVE. Reflecting with St Theresa of the child Jesus

St. Therese of the child Jesus draws our attention to little things. Come down to the ground as a child and learn to become big in the light. He who becomes like little children will become biggest in the abode of light and the light will sell them to the world.

Do you seek to be big and be influential? The way is the lowly way. Stoop down from big aspirations, from being recognized for the big actions. The earthly superior will aplaud you for ….. But he will not add to your worth. He sees you on the exterior and grants you a reward of the day but your source perceives clearly the interior of your heart & soul, knows your promptings and grants you an eternal reward.

Do you have love deep enough to make you sensitive to the plight of your neighbour including those you do not like? In your daily actions & inactions your destiny is fulfilled by the day – the path you were originally created to walk is walked by you. This is engraved in your heart if you can bend down to see it- strip yourself of the ego which sometimes blinds you.

The ego craves to be seen, amplified and propelled, it wants to attract attention to the self; it wants self gratification which can not wait – immediate but passing glory, pitiable to the Wise.

And so it seems to serve the self in disguise of serving fellow humans, sometimes even God. Hence it derails from the path to authentic ?.
Seek what truly matters the way of love where every one of your neighbours truly counts and don’t trade him for a passing shadow – the applause of the superiors of the world.

See L?VE in people,
Do L?VE for people,
Be L?VE to people.

And you will find true happiness, laughter ? & peace.?
The little way is about “little” you being inflamed into a bigger and more encompassing L?VE.
Instead of amassing the passing applause of men, let there be much L?VE in your LIFE.?


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