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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




R1:- Acts 9: 31-42
PS:- 116:12-13.14-15.16-17
Accl:- John 6:63c,68c
Gosp:- John 6:60-69


There are some reasonably distant friends or acquaintances, whose presence and followership in our life can only give us temporary sense of belonging. They applaud us as long as they can understand our ways. They leave us without bothering to seek understanding the moment they realized that they cannot satisfy our demands. Some who stay with us for their personal security tend to leave the moment they no longer feel secure.

Some of the disciples of Jesus left him the moment he began to open up topics which were strange to them. The idea of eating his body and drinking his blood was too strange to them. How can they follow such a man who is about to turn them into cannibals? They began to question in their hearts. They taught it was safe to leave him early before he confuse them.

However, understanding God’s way requires personal passion for deep intimacy with him. The twelve disciples stayed with Jesus because they have taken their time to stay with him closely and they have understood that he has the answer to their quests. Though some of them did not fully believe his teachings, they know that he is worth following, either for their salvation or other personal gains. On his own part, he knew that some of them did not believe him, and who it was that would betray him.

True friends are gifts from God. It is providential to be in the company of the right people. The Lord Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father”

We don’t get good friends with sweet tongue or by juicy tips. They are those people who God has enlightened and commissioned to add values to our lives. Even the most parasitic of our friends have roles to play in our lives. It is interesting to know that the like of Judas has a divine pass to be around Jesus.

Interestingly, Simon Peter said to Jesus, ” Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” However, Peter’s confession sounds somewhat ironical, for he is the same person who would deny Jesus.

Nevertheless, the vibration of the weaknesses of those around us amount to nothing when despite all their differences and shortcoming, there is a divine synergy. Jesus knew those who remained with him. Even in their propensity to betray and deny, he knew that they were there for a purpose.

Hence, while we try not to cast our friends away, let us pray that nothing in us will kill their confidence in us.

May God’s life-giving spirit work in us and through us to draw people closer to salvation. May those who know us or are close to us have their doubts cleared and be fed with heavenly delights through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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