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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity

Understanding when God comes

Homily of Monday of the 3rd week in ordinary time
Hebrews 9:15,24-28, Mark 3:22-30
By Fr Oluwafemi Victor Orilua, CSSP


Open-mindedness helps us come to terms with new possibilities around us. When we are too judgmental, we may not know when we dismiss the truth meant to set us free. Prejudice or unwillingness to give others benefits of doubt can block our understanding of their identity. When God is at work and we refuse to see his hands, we run the risk of divine flow into our souls.

Beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the gospel narratives was accused of possessing an evil spirit which enables him to cast out demons. His accusers forgot that he is God who has come to live among us. If they knew, they wouldn’t have cast doubt on him. Rejecting him means leading our lives without making recourse to him. It entails unbelief about all he stands for, which can lead us into a reprobate sense, whereby all we do are simply products of our own thoughts and not in accordance with God’s dictates.

Moreover, we must be careful when we are faced with situations that seem to be unclear to us. Instead of running to hasty conclusions, it is safer to be quiet until things become clearer.

It is interesting to know that the knowledge of God comes to us in stages according to our level of comprehension and disposition. If we have not built the capacity that can contain his revelations, we may misjudge him whenever he makes himself known to us.

Hence, let us pray that we may always be open to God’s work, so that we may always enjoy the benefits of his mighty works. Amen.

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