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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




Jer 14: 17b-22, Matthew 13:36:43

  • Oftentimes, weeds and wheat look alike like the Palestinian’s tares and wheat.
  • At times, the root of the good and bad can be so intertwined that separating them may amount to uprooting the two.
  • There are some good feats in our lives which we cannot achieve without some hazards.
  • Dropping the good because of the thorns on its way may mean forfeiting the fruits.
  • At times vices can be clothed in the garment of virtues just to deceive.

We live in a world where the church and the world had somewhat mingled that we no longer know the difference. Evil are praised and the good is looked at with disdain, all be because of how they are dressed.

The Lord tells us in our today’s gospel that we should bloom even in the midst of the evils around us.  Every problem has expiry date. The time of harvest will surely come.

More so, in our today’s first reading, Jeremiah lamented,

If I go out into the field, behold, those slain by the sword! And If enter the city behold, the diseases of famine, for both prophet and priest ply their trade through the land, and have no knowledge.”

We need to be closer to Jesus for enlightenment that we may gain perfect discernment amidst a confused world. We need the light of God so as not to be contaminated by the negative energy around us. We need to look up to God that we may gain wisdom of heart and safely sail through the huddles of life till the end.


O Lord! I love you. Shine my eyes that I may see when I no longer grow towards your direction. May no vice kill your life in me. Save me from any kind of tendency that seeks to stiffen your gifts in me. Thy kingdom come.

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