Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
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Spiritans Sound Outreach is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.
©2024 Spiritans Sound Outreach
Website Made with ❤️ by Microfidelity




(1 Kings 3:5,7-12, Romans 8:28-30, Matthew 13:44-52).


Our world today is more secular than religious, in that, human beings seek for fame, prestige and material worth other than spiritual or virtuous things that could make the world a better place to be lived in. For example, those who are leaders in the political environments govern with their mere rationality and expertise other than wisdom from God and so they lead the people without any sense of virtue and moral characters.

In the first reading of today, we see how God gave Solomon the choice of asking for anything that he would desire and that it shall be granted to him but Solomon chooses wisdom as against so many material possessions that he could have asked for. God was so pleased with Solomon because he chose the right virtue needed as a leader to guide the people rightly (1 Kings 3:5,7-12).

The second reading tells us that God cooperates with those who love Him and He in turn makes them His sons and daughters. He calls and justifies them according to His plans and purposes. God’s plan for us is perfect and He desire that we should make the right choices in life so that we can be happy (Romans 8:28-30).

In the gospel, Jesus continues His comparison of the kingdom of heaven to earthly treasures so that everyone could see how precious it will be to choose wisely what one prefers. The kingdom of heaven is a treasure worth more than any earthly possession such that one who possesses it would sell everything that is less valuable to possess it (Matthew 13:44-52)


Again, Jesus said that, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant discovering a great treasure for which he would sell everything he owns to purchase such treasure because of its value. In clearer terms, the kingdom of heaven is the most valuable treasure anyone would wish to possess. It is worth more than any earthly treasures, therefore, we need godly wisdom to choose rightly like Solomon that which would benefit our judgments so that we would not regret our choices. A lot of us makes bad choices in life because we do not rely on the wisdom that comes from God but on our own effort and rationality which is very much limited. Our focus should be to possess the right to enter into God’s kingdom which is our treasure.

We live in a world in which material status is more celebrated than virtues. No wonder our TV screens are littered with nudity rather than decency. Young men and women seek to survive on ill-gotten wealth rather than hard worked wealth, parents celebrate their children’s wealth without asking them how they got it. Young men and ladies celebrates immoralities rather than morality. We are forced to ask the question, what went wrong and where did we go wrong? The readings of today tells us that wisdom is profitable to the wise because it gives us a sense of direction and right judgements. What do you find valuable? Is it alcohol, sex, riches or fame? Examine deeply what you hold more valuable than the kingdom of God and pray for wisdom to choose wisely.

Dear friends in Christ, let us focus our attention on those things that would benefit our souls rather than physical or material treasures because these material treasures would fade away but spiritual treasure would last forever. We need wisdom to choose rightly; thus, let us constantly ask God for wisdom not to make the wrong choices in life. If you have made the wrong choices before, do not panic because God is able to correct it all if you make a U-turn. Trust in God and begin anew. Peace be with you








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